boztopia May 28, 2008 18:04
gi bill, surveillance, john mccain, warrantless wiretapping, raising kaine, telecom immunity, dick cheney, republicans, senate, mudcat saunders, matthew yglesias, democrats, kathy g., progressivism, stupid things i read on the internets, george allen, lowell feld, spying, fisa, jim webb
boztopia Jan 23, 2008 22:10
iraq, scott mclellan, security, donald rumsfeld, rollo tomasi, disaster, condolezza rice, john edwards, dick cheney, republicans, ari fleischer, colin powell, george w. bush, paul wolfowitz, democrats, fraud, iraq war, stupid things i read on the internets, lies, afghanistan,, hillary clinton
boztopia Dec 20, 2007 14:01
joe biden, byron dorgan, media, dave reichert, congress, corporatism, trent lott, series of tubes, dick cheney, republicans, at&t, internet, media consolidation, ted stevens, george bush, democrats, jay inslee, government, russ feingold, net neutrality, bellsouth, ownership, fcc, hillary clinton, kevin martin
boztopia Jul 20, 2007 20:57
fascism, voldemort, government, stupid things i read on the internets, disaster, lord of misrule, dick cheney, george w. bush
boztopia Mar 27, 2007 03:34
surveillance, cronyism kills, kyle sampson, security, lurita doan, cronyism, disaster, perry farrell, dick cheney, republicans, evangelicals, idiocracy, george w. bush, loyal bushie, law of the jungle, gsa, fraud, government, fundiecrats, stupid things i read on the internets, lies, ovp, monica goodling
boztopia Mar 13, 2007 21:15
surveillance, kyle sampson, civil liberties, media, josh marshall, disaster, david addington, talking points memo, dick cheney, republicans, george w. bush, constitution, journalism, karl rove, law of the jungle, new york times, privacy, fraud, pollution, government, rachel paulose, stupid things i read on the internets, lies, carol lam, scooter libby, justice department, openness, prosecutor purge, alberto gonzales
boztopia Mar 06, 2007 12:35
nuclear weapons, iraq, media, saddam hussein, security, breast cancer, dick cheney, republicans, george w. bush, journalism, law of the jungle, valerie plame, government, firedoglake, iraq war, lies, jane hamsher, scooter libby, uranium, perjury, weapons of mass destruction, washington post, obstruction of justice